Anne Frank Tree (near Prinsengracht) Amsterdam (READ THIS BEFORE YOU VISIT!)

Podczas wizyty w Amsterdamie, few places resonate with the weight of history like the Anne Frank Tree, located near Prinsengracht. This remarkable tree stands as a silent witness to the life and struggles of Anne Frank, a young girl whose diary has touched millions around the world. As you approach this living monument, you can’t helpCzytaj dalej

Natuurtuin De Ruige Hof Amsterdam (READ THIS BEFORE YOU VISIT!)

Welcome to Natuurtuin De Ruige Hof, a hidden gem nestled in the vibrant city of Amsterdam. This enchanting nature garden offers a sanctuary for both locals and visitors, providing a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the beauty of nature amidst the urban hustle. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a curious traveler, or someoneCzytaj dalej

Prins Bernhardpark Amsterdam (READ THIS BEFORE YOU VISIT!)

Welcome to the captivating world of Prins Bernhardpark in Amsterdam! This enchanting park is not just a green space; it’s a vibrant hub of culture, przyroda, and relaxation. Nestled in the heart of the city, it offers a perfect escape from the bustling urban life. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś mieszkańcem, czy gościem, Prins Bernhardpark promisesCzytaj dalej


Kiedy myślisz o Amsterdamie, vibrant canals, zabytkowa architektura, and a rich cultural tapestry often come to mind. Jednak, nestled within this enchanting city is a hidden gem known as De Balk Amsterdam. This unique establishment offers a blend of culinary delights, stunning ambiance, and a welcoming atmosphere that draws both locals and tourists alike. … Czytaj dalej